Friday, July 29, 2011

Photo Updates

The internet was really fast tonight, so here are some pics that i had needed to leave out because of their data size. This is one of the woman named Hajati, she is the one who started calling herself my mother. haha, I later found out that Hajati is a title given to Ugandan Muslims who have been to Mecca, so my Ugandan Mother must be pretty well off.
 These next  two pictures are of the night that the Americans shared s'mores with the Ugandans. They look so happy, these pictures are so funny. The two in the first picture are Emma and David, they are both interns from the local university. The second picture is of Kato who is one of the care takers of the field school site. I laughed so hard at these pics.

 This is a picture of the kids that live in my neighborhood, they were catching ensua (aka ants) which emerge right after the rains.
This is just a picture of a random fruit stall at Nakasero Market, there are about 400 more stalls that look very similar to this one within about 250ft
 This is the Gaddafi Mosque, what an amazing building.
I'm am officially half way done with my internship, time is really flying. There is so much that I want to do still and time is fleeting. But I guess it my only problem is that I wont be here long enough I don't really have problems. What a great summer!

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